Darth revan knights of the old republic 2
Darth revan knights of the old republic 2

P_plyermw_tia2 My weapon isn’t doing anything. The weapon used by player character is either broken or inefficient in current attack. P_plyermw_srch2 If there’s something there, I’ll find it. P_plyermw_sprt圓 Let me go on alone for a bit. P_plyermw_sprty2 We’ll just separate for a bit. P_plyermw_sprty1 I need to go alone for a bit. Player character has been selected via the menu. P_plyermw_rprt圓 We can get back together now. P_plyermw_rprty2 OK, let’s get going again. P_plyermw_pois3 I think something is in my system.

darth revan knights of the old republic 2

P_plyermw_pois2 I think I’ve been poisoned. P_plyermw_pois1 I think something got me sick. P_plyermw_med1 This should patch things up. Player has just received medical attention. P_plyermw_low2 I should get help for my wounds. P_plyermw_low1 I’m in a lot of pain right now. Player has low health and needs medical attention. P_plyermw_lmin2 Whoever stands on this will get a nasty shock. P_plyermw_lmin1 One surprise trip coming up. Lock Picking: Player fails the attempt unlock the lock box or door

darth revan knights of the old republic 2 darth revan knights of the old republic 2

P_plyermw_crit3 You won’t be getting up from that any time soon! P_plyermw_crit1 Ha! He’ll feel that for sure! Lock Picking: Player is making the attempt unlock the lock box or door When noted below, the original line was missing in the game so I asked UnusualCharacters to improvise. The lines as written are exactly the same as the original written for the most part. have you felt that the non-descript voice actor for Knights of the Old Republic 1 male player character didn’t sound enough like Revan in SWTOR? Here’s a new player character sound set that UnusualCharacters recorded for us in style of Revan from the SWTOR. GAMES: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 1.

Darth revan knights of the old republic 2